Planning for College

Below are links to some websites that all college-bound students should explore when planning how to fund their education.

ACT - College Planning Information

The ACT website offers students tips on applying to and choosing a college, a college planning checklist, and more. Visit for more information.

Source content provided by: The ACT Corporation (

GAcollege411 - Student Planner

GAcollege411 is an online resource for students and parents applying for postsecondary education in the state of Georgia. The website lists contact information for Georgia colleges and universities, a guide for what students should be doing from 8th grade through high school graduation to be competitive for college, and much more. Visit for more information

Source content provided by: GAcollege411 (

My College Options

My College Options is an online resource for students and parents applying for postsecondary education. The website allows students to search for colleges, research majors, review popular college essay topics, and more. Visit for more information.
Source content provided by: My College Options (

SAT - Plan for College

The CollegeBoard website allows students to search for colleges of interest, offers action plans for juniors and seniors, and more. Visit and click on the Plan for College link in For Students for more information

Source content provided by: CollegeBoard (

To aid you in starting your college search, here is a list of and links to some of the postsecondary institutions in which our students most frequently enroll.

Albany State University

Armstrong Atlantic State University

Central Georgia Technical College

Fort Valley State University

Georgia Southern University

Georgia State University

Macon State College

Mercer University

Savannah State University

Valdosta State University